Gómez-López Alicia
Mycology Reference and Research Laboratory, Spain
Alicia Gómez López (representative investigator of this research team) has been part of the CNM Mycology Reference Laboratory since 2000. Since her incorporation as a PhD student, has participated in several research projects related to research in human fungal infection.
In 2007 she was in charge of creating a new research line into the Laboratory. This is a line of cutting-edge research in Medical Mycology, which seeks to define relationships between dose and therapeutic response, and also better explain the clinical significance of resistance, by evaluating parameters PK/PD of antifungals and their relationship with efficacy. New strategies using alternative models of infection are now on going in this field with interesting perspectives and applications.
This research is also evaluating the effect of the patient genetic background in treatment efficacy (pharmacogenetic).
This new line is nowadays working actively in the lab. Each year new staff is incorporating to advance in this research by means of competitive applications.
Thanks to these resources new methods have been developed and validated, contributing positivity to assist the national health system in fungal infection management.
Dr Gomez-Lopez has worked in the production of over 79 papers published in scientific journals in the field of mycology and antifungal (2100 times cited, h-index 29), as well as training of fellows, pre-doctoral students, laboratory technicians and other lab management activities.
A total of 50 abstracts have been accepted for poster presentation in national and international Conferences. She has also participated in two Conferences as invited speaker (Expert Sessions).
As a result of activity of the group a technology-based company was created in 2009, Micología Molecular SL. This is a spin-off Of the ISCIII and its activities are focused in the development of new tools to detect fungal infections.
One patent have been obtained for the diagnosis of mycosis.
Abstract : Triazoles Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: From recommendation to applicability