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Shaorong Liu,

Shaorong Liu,

University of Oklahoma in Norman,


Shaorong Liu, Director of the Center for Bioanalysis and Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma, USA. Dr. Liu’s group is focused on developing enabling technologies for biotech research, and more specifically miniaturized analytical systems for ultra-high speed and ultra-high resolution separations of biomolecules. The miniaturized systems include capillary-based apparatus, microchip-based devices instruments and capillary-microchip hybrid devices, while the biomolecules consist of DNA, protein, peptides, steroids and other small molecules. Recently in Dr. Liu’s lab, they have demonstrated a record-high resolution for separating an enzyme-digested E. coli lysate and obtained a peak capacity of close to 1800 in 3-h gradient time using a narrow open tubular (NOT) column. Using a short NOT column, they have also demonstrated sub-second separation of 6 amino acids; all six amino acids were resolved within less than 500 milliseconds. He is the author of more than 120 scientific papers, and inventor of seven patents.

Research Interest

Chemistry and Biochemistry