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Yoichiro Ito

Yoichiro Ito

Senior Investigator
National Institutes of Health


Yoichiro Ito graduated from Osaka City University Medical School in Osaka, Japan, in 1958. He was a resident in pathology at Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital in Cleveland and the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago before returning to Osaka to work as an instructor in the Department of Physiology at Osaka City University Medical School. He joined the NHLBI as a visiting scientist in 1968. He has been a Medical Officer in the Laboratory of Technical Development, the Laboratory of Biophysical Chemistry, and currently, the Biochemistry and Biophysics Center. He received the FLC Mid-Atlantic Region's award for Excellence in Technology Transfer for high-speed countercurrent chromatography in 2010. Dr. Ito has published over 600 articles and holds 50 patents for his numerous chromatographic advances.

Research Interest

Dr. Ito's primary interest is in inventing methods of isolating, purifying, or analyzing materials of biomedical interest—including cells, macromolecules, and small molecular weight compounds—by means of counter-current chromatography and elutriation.